Mulch, Rock or Pine straw?

Landscaping requires making some tough decisions. What types of flowers, plants, trees will you use? Perhaps one of the most difficult choices is the one between mulches. Mulch and pine straw are frequently used as fillers for flower beds and gardens, but many gardeners are choosing to use items such as rocks, to fill their flower beds instead.

What is best for you? We’re going to look at the pros and cons to help you decide.


Mulch is very common and performs well. It protects plants from heat, prevents damage by heavy rains, and is probably the most cost-effective of our three options. It is also available in many colors, so you’re sure to find one that matches your garden.

Mulch also has its cons, though. If it is spread too thick, it can become home to pests, some of which can harm your plants. It also holds water, so that the ground around your plants stays wet long after the rain has stopped. To prevent these problems, be sure your mulch is properly laid so that it does not create too thick of a layer.'

If you are looking for Mulching services near Navarre, FL or are searching for Mulch delivery and spreading near me. Give us a Call. 850-490-8529

Pine Straw

For those who aren’t fans of mulch, pine straw is a very popular option. If you have some pine trees on your property, you can get your pine straw for free, besides the time it takes to rake it of course. Unlike mulch, it does not hold water, as the thin needles allow it to pass through easily. Its bright orange color that fades to a deep brown later in the season is also an attractive choice.

However, pine straw, like mulch, can attract insects. Some fans of pine straw complain that when they place it around their home, they notice an increase in the number of cockroaches that find their way inside. As far as your garden goes, some gardeners object to pine straw because it is acidic, and it can alter the ph level of your soil. This is not a problem for those with plants that prefer acidic soil, but if your favorite plants thrive in alkalinity, pine straw may not be the best choice for you. If you are searching for pine straw companies near me, give us a call today and get a FREE estimate. 850-490-8529.


Choosing rock instead of a standard mulch can be an attractive option. The rocks will pull heat from the soil in the long days of summer, helping to regulate the temperature of the dirt around your plants. They, like other mulches, are also a good way to prevent weeds from growing in your garden.

However, rocks can make it difficult for some plants to grow, as it can be harder to water plants if they are surrounded by rocks. The rocks also do not decompose like ordinary mulch and can become caught in lawnmower blades, ultimately causing damage. It is important to confine the rocks to a definite area so that they do not end up scattered throughout your yard.

Do your research on what would benefit your plants the most and whichever option you choose, pick the one that’s best for you. If you are searching for landscaping rock delivery near me, give us a call today and get a FREE estimate. 850-490-8529.


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